3000 FREE Emails Promotion

Booking Form

I would like to know more and / or book the Free Campaign promotion.  I acknowledge that in making this request neither PRODOCOM, or I, are under any obligation to proceed with a campaign.  PRODOCOM will however honour the promotion providing the below conditions are met.



  • One email broadcast using the PRODOCOM Campaign Board.
  • Up to 3000 email addresses in the initial send.
  • Up to a total of 17 triggers for automated follow ups in the campaign.  Follow ups are to be Email only.
  • You have not used PRODOCOM for sending emails in the last 12 months.
  • The PRODOCOM support team will assist you with the composition of your email and advise best practice to get you the best results.
  • The PRODOCOM support team will assist you to set up your DNS settings to ensure email security is handled and you get the best delivery results into peoples inboxes.
  • The PRODOCOM support team will build the campaign and send it out for you.
  • The PRODOCOM support team will ensure that you get delivery and tracking reports for your campaign. Included in the tracking reports will be;
    • The number of emails opened, split into "Suspected Server" and "Likely User". Automated follow ups (triggers) will only go where the PRODOCOM system has identified "Likely User".
    • The number of links clicked, and a break down of those links and clicks..
    • Where possible the tracking records show, the date/time, the platform, the browser and the location.
  • You may request an advanced report of your tracking records. This will include looking at MX records for all recipients of the emails, identifying additional security measures the recipient has in place along with bar and pie graphs. This will incur a charge of $65 to compile and provide. Please indicate requirement when booking your free campaign.
  • PRODOCOM reserve the right to refuse to honour the promotion if the content and/or distribution list is deemed to be inappropriate.  The decision of PRODOCOM is final.


Please click here to view PRODOCOM's Privacy Policy.
