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The Importance of Implementing a Sunset Policy in Email Marketing

Maintaining a healthy and engaged subscriber list is crucial for ensuring the success of marketing campaigns.

Jul 2024

Email Drip Campaigns, Boost Engagement, Drive Conversions

As a business owner, reaching out to potential and existing customers through email can be a highly effective marketing strategy. One approach that has shown high impact is the use of drip email sequence campaigns.

Jul 2024

What is happening with SMS headers

Although this is not new news as such, it is worth highlighting the topic again. Because of the amount of SPAM and attacks being proliferated through SMS, there is now a national registry for any non-numeric header.

May 2024

Setting up your DNS for Secure emails

Against the records for a domain on a DNS server can be lots of other information, some of this is used by recipient email servers when another email server tries to make a connection. This is to authenticate that the sending server is authorized to send emails for the sender and to look for other information relevant to emails

Feb 2024

Integrate PRODOCOM with over 6000 applications

Integrate PRODOCOM with over 6000 applications

Jan 2024

To Email or Not to Email, that is the question

What is more important, sending an email quickly or getting it delivered?  To be fair, whats the point in sending it quickly if it’s not going to get delivered. So, it’s a bit of a rhetorical question, isn’t it?

Nov 2023

Top 10 benefits of Email Marketing Solutions

Top 10 benefits of Email Marketing Solutions

Jan 2023

Reasons Why Business Communication is Critical to your success

If you are looking to grow your client base or make sure that you maintain your existing client, contact PRODOCOM for more information.

Jan 2023

Free CRM Software for all of your Business Needs

Managing your client base and staying connected with them requires good CRM Software. For further information, please contact us.

Jan 2023

How Does SMS Broadcasting Work and What Is It?

In the world of digital communications you need to choose your medium to suit the instance. If you need a quick response, or your message is short, then SMS is a great option.

Dec 2022

How to get started with Email Marketing

The days of cold calling are long gone. So how do you reach your target prospects and get their attention? Digital marketing is your answer and at the very core of that should be an Email Marketing Strategy.

Nov 2022

For better results we trickle feeding emails

Some say that speed is key when trying to communicate with your customers, but could trying to get your latest email campaign out to all your recipients as fast as possible actually be doing more harm than good?

Apr 2022

Emailing attachments – all you need to know

Attachments are a tricky area of the email marketing world. On one hand, they offer a great way for you to incorporate interesting materials such as sales promotions into an email, but on the other, they are an easy way for your email to become red-flagged by many servers.

Apr 2022

Get your email out there with the PRODOCOM deliverability checker

Sometimes it feels like keeping your email campaign out of your intended recipient's SPAM or junk folder is becoming more and more difficult by the day. Staying on top of the new requirements and security measures can cost you a great deal of precious time and effort

Apr 2022

Measure your success with comparative reporting from PRODOCOM

Comparison has long been the benchmark for successfully judging many areas of business. It is also an incredibly important tool when trying to surmise whether your business’s marketing strategies are growing in success and reach or declining with each subsequent attempt.

Apr 2022

Never miss an opportunity with automated follow-ups

At PRODOCOM we are sure that all marketers will agree - the key to any successful email campaign is engagement. Both from the perspective of your intended customer, but also for your business’s marketing team

Apr 2022

Who is opening your emails?

When you used to look at your email reports after sending your latest campaign, you had a realistic and accurate idea of how many users not only received the email but also opened it.

Apr 2022

Speak to a real person

We live in a digital world littered with artificially intelligent chatbots and unresponsive contact forms, and when you are trying to quickly solve problems regarding your business’ operational needs it can be incredibly frustrating when you encounter them.

Feb 2022

Are you paying a monthly fee for a service you only use once or twice a year?

When you are trying to maximise your business’ profits, it’s important to focus on where you might be spending money unnecessarily

Feb 2022

Does cheap and easy really get you results?

You’ve probably seen, and possibly even used those automated email campaign services that promise you unbeatable results for zero investment other than your time. With so many companies now offering these services the fundamental question is are they really effective?

Feb 2022

When is the right time to try resubmitting to failures?

When it comes to email campaigns it can be very frustrating when emails don’t get through to your target audience. Many email campaign providers require manual resubmission of failures for campaigns, which can be a long and tiresome process.

Dec 2021

People became more reliant on their phones during the pandemic

After the pandemic began its society-changing sweep across the globe in early 2020, it was clear that life would never be the same again. No place was this more evident than in the electronic communications sector.

Dec 2021

Failure to account for email security can cut your delivery to inboxes by up to 30%.

Email is by far the largest form of mass communication system available in the world, it is estimated that there are more than four billion email accounts currently active in the world today.

Dec 2021

What does Apple's latest update to its email mean to your tracking?

Recent news from the Apple group has got some people a little concerned.

Dec 2021

News - SMS Usage during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown restrictions have acted as both a catalyst and a disruptor for countless global businesses and services.

Oct 2021

News - Improving your Emails and delivery rates

PRODUCT News - improving your emails and delivery rates

Sep 2018

News – There has been a recent increase in unsolicited emails and viruses

With more people working online during the pandemic, the number of unsolicited emails and viruses they encounter has also increased.

Oct 2021

Email Marketing

Many people wonder, “Does email marketing still work?”

Oct 2021

News - Prodocom higher email open rate

Our recent Email Our Clients Report shows an email open rate of up to 30% higher than other leading email service providers in Australia.

Oct 2021

How email security is affecting your results

If you are sending out emails, you are doing so with the intention of the recipient reading it, otherwise what is the point?

Oct 2021

News - What is Spoofing?

Email spoofing is the creation of email messages with a forged sender address. Many 3rd party email service providers use this technique to trick recipient email servers to validate against their domain rather than their clients.

Mar 2021

News - The Mobile device evolves

A week ago, Samsung released its new flagship device the Note 4 in two variants along with a couple of new wearable devices.

Sep 2014

News - The PC to SMS landscape has changed

Technology News - the pc to sms landscape has changed

Jun 2014


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